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En este apartado encontraremos enlaces a ficheros (HTML, PDF, Word...) de materiales de lectura de la asignatura, listado bibliográfico o enlaces web a lecturas online.

Baym, N. et al. (ed.) The Norton Anthology of American Literature, 1998.

Bierce, A. 1999. The Collected Writings of Ambrose Bierce. New York: Replica Books.

Carlson, Eric W. (ed.). 1987. Critical Essays on Edgar A. Poe. Boston: G.K. Hall.

Clarke, Graham (ed.). 1991. Edgar Allan Poe: Critical Assessments. Mountfield, East Sussex: Helm Information.

Crane, S. 1960. The Red Badge of Courage and Other Stories. Intro. By U.S. Pritchett; a Note on the text by R. W. Stallman. London: Oxford U.P.

Crane, S. 1960. The Red Badge of Courage and Selected Stories. Ed. and with an Intro. by R.W. Stallman. London: Signet.

Davidson, C. 1982. Critical Essays on Ambrose Bierce. Boston, Mass.: G. K. Hall & Co.Elliot, E. et al. (ed.) The Columbia Literary History of the United States, 1991.

Elliot, E. 1993. New Essays on Hawthorne's Major Tales, intro. By Millicent Bell. New York: Cambridge U.P.

Ferres, J. H. (ed.) 1996. Sherwood Anderson: Text and Criticism: Winesburg, Ohio. New York: Penguin.

Hubbel, J.B. The South in American Literature, 1954.

Johnson, P. A History of the American People, 1997.

Spiller, R. et al. (ed.) Literary History of the United States: History, 1974.

Copyright 2009, by the Contributing Authors. Cite/attribute Resource. V., L. L. E. (2009, September 17). Bibliography. Retrieved July 03, 2024, from OCW de la Universitat de Valencia Web site: Esta obra se publica bajo una licencia Reconocimiento -No Comercial-Compartir Igual. Reconocimiento -No Comercial-Compartir Igual