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Evaluation System

En esta sección encontraremos pruebas de conocimientos previos y de autoevaluación. Exámenes y sus soluciones.

General Norms (English and German Philology Department):

If a student does PIE tests and they cannot achieve a PASS mark, they must take the exam in the SECOND term (June).

If a student does the first test and doesn’t do the next, they will have to do the final exam in the SECOND term (June).

By not achieving the first test of the continuous evaluation of PIE (Progress Test 1), the possiblity of continuous evaluation of PIE is eliminated, and meanwhile, it involves the obligation of taking the final exam in FIRST (February) or the SECOND term (June), for passing the material.

There will be no resits, nor changes of exam dates and the mark will be based either on the PIE evaluation or on the final exam in February, for students who decide not to take any PIE tests. (or June, in case, you do not pass them).

Specific Norms of the Course:

I) Students that choose PIE:

Continued Evaluation: this will be carried out in four partial exams: two Tests (1 and 2) and two PIE Progress tests (1 and 2) and that will serve to consolidate the students’ knowledge, as well as, in their case, eliminate material for the final exam. The first tests will evaluate the knowledge acquired in the theory classes by means of objective questioning, while the second tests will focus on the evaluation of the level of practical skill through the reading and commentary of brief narrative works by American authors, with particular emphasis on those analysed in class. These will be explained and announced in different forms such as the Aula Virtual or orally in class.

Optional Oral Assignment and Presentation: students will decide how to do their oral presentation + written paper, supervised by the teacher, which will count, if they do it, as 70% of the final mark. The remaining 30% will correspond to the achievement on the Tests (1 and 2).

Final PIE Mark (I): the final mark will consist of the sum of the marks achieved in the PIE Progress tests1 and 2 (40%) the Tests 1 and 2 (30%), the essay assignments (20%), and a percentage for attendance and participation (0-15%).

Final PIE Mark (II): the final mark will consist of the sum of marks from the optional oral presentation + written paper (70%) and the Tests 1 and 2 (30%), and a percentage for attendance and participation (0-15%).

II) Rest of the students (Not PIE):

Final Exam: at the end of the course, there will be an official written exam (100%) that will have two parts. In the first part (50%) the knowledge acquired in the theory classes will be evaluated, while in the second part (50%) the level of practical skill in the reading and commenting on brief narrative works by American authors will be evaluated (with the dossier of readings), with particular emphasis on those analysed in class. In order to pass this subject, the students will have to achieve a minimum of 4 points in each part.

Final mark (Rest of the students): the final mark will consist of the score in the final exam (100%).

Copyright 2009, by the Contributing Authors. Cite/attribute Resource. V., L. L. E. (2009, September 17). Evaluation System. Retrieved July 03, 2024, from OCW de la Universitat de Valencia Web site: Esta obra se publica bajo una licencia Reconocimiento -No Comercial-Compartir Igual. Reconocimiento -No Comercial-Compartir Igual