
 The development of the subject is structured in one theory session per week, in which you will study the authors included in the programme within the historic and literary context; and one practical session, which will involve analysis and commentary on theatrical works, and some alternatives of theatrical vision and computer work.

With the aim of matching the theoretical and practical components, the acquired knowledge in theory will always have an immediate practical application, by means of proposed readings, critical commentaries and investigative works, in order to bring about an effective way of assimilation of theoretical contents and a self-directed learning for the future. That way, we will contribute not only to consolidate this knowledge, but also to develop a certain critical ability in the reading and commentary of theatrical texts. For all of this, (for PIE students) there will be a mandatory task, consisting of the oral presentation in group (5-6) about some aspect of a theatrical piece not included in the readings of the programme, that will be conveniently explained in class and of which there will be a guide in the Aula Virtual.

At the beginning of the course the student will be informed where the chronogram (calendar) will be posted, specifying class sessions, and important dates for exams and deadlines for assignments, papers and presentations. Likewise it will be indicated in class where you can find the dossier (photocopier on the second floor of the Faculty of Philology, Translation and Communication) with the texts of the mandatory readings, as well as the bibliography to use in the preparation of theory and practical classes and the work that will be assigned. Also, in the Aula Virtual, students can access to the outlines and notes from class as well as multiple choice tests and other interesting links for further reading.

Assignments and homework, as well as the display of students´ notes and other common questions and/or daily notifications about the course will be allocated exclusively in the Aula Virtual. See section XII, referring to the use of new technologies in this same Teaching Guide.

Finally, tutorials will serve to monitor students’ learning, by commenting on both the topics, the possible approaches, and the difficulties found in the content, structure and form while developing the assignments and/or presentations that students will do as a part of their final mark.

Citation: V., L. L. E. (2009, September 17). Methodology. Retrieved July 23, 2024, from OCW de la Universitat de Valencia Web site:
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