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Weeks 1-2


- Course design: objective, bibliography, materials, activities, methodology and evaluation.

- Historical introduction to American theatre. The Colonies. (Summary)


Weeks 3-4-5-6


- Origins of the American theatre in the 18th century. Revolutionary plays and playwrights. The quest for a national drama.

- Royall Tyler's The Contrast.

- Nineteenth-century antebellum theatre. Typological divisions of plays and its reference to American contemporary life (temperance, abolitionism, etc).

- Nineteenth-century post-bellum theatre. Changes in the last half of the century.

- James A. Herne's Shore Acres.


Week 6-7


- The birth of twentieth-century American drama. The Provincetown Players, The Washington Square Players & The Guild.


- Deadline for topic obligatory PIE oral presentation –Oct. 28st.

- Test 1. (Units 0,1,2) - Nov. 4th.

- Progress Test PIE 1 – Nov. 4th.


Week 8 – Reading Week


Weeks 9-10


- Eugene O'Neill's The Hairy Ape & Long Days Journey into Night.


Week 11


- Theatre Between the Wars.

- Tennessee Williams & Cat on a Hot Tin Roof.

[- Video.]


Week 12 – Reading Week


Week 13


- Around World War II.

- Arthur Miller & The Death of a Salesman.


Week 14


[- Oral presentation due (PIE)–Dec. 23rd.- Obligatory attendance for all students]

[- Video.]


Week 15 - Christmas Vacation


Week 16- Reading Week


- Oral presentation due (PIE)–January11th-13th.

(Obligatory attendance for all students)


Exams Week (17)


- Test 2. (Units 3,4,5)-Jan. 20th.

- Progress Test PIE 2 –Jan. 20th.


- Final Examination as officially scheduled (No PIE)


Copyright 2009, by the Contributing Authors. Cite/attribute Resource. V., L. L. E. (2009, September 17). Syllabus. Retrieved July 23, 2024, from OCW de la Universitat de Valencia Web site: Esta obra se publica bajo una licencia Reconocimiento -No Comercial-Compartir Igual. Reconocimiento -No Comercial-Compartir Igual