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> Arts and Humanities



arts and humanities




The University of Valencia's Open Course Ware doesn't have subjects in English in this area of knoledgement although you can find some English contents in Linguistic Analysis of Language Disorders, English Philology and Audiovisual Comunication.

José María Yturralde. Sin Título 1982. Patrimonio UV.

12400 - Linguistic Analysis of Speech Language Disorders, 2008/09 12400 - Linguistic Analysis of Speech Language Disorders, 2008/09
12419 - General and Applied Linguistics, 2008/09 12419 - General and Applied Linguistics, 2008/09
13845 - Introduction to colonial and XIX century Latin American literature, 2010/2011 13845 - Introduction to colonial and XIX century Latin American literature, 2010/2011
14189  - Short Story USA, 2009/2010 14189 - Short Story USA, 2009/2010
14216 - Origins of Theatre USA, 2009/2010 14216 - Origins of Theatre USA, 2009/2010
14554 - The roman provinces, 2010-2011 14554 - The roman provinces, 2010-2011
33657 - Literary Tuition for Teachers, 2010/2011 33657 - Literary Tuition for Teachers, 2010/2011
33831 - Sources, resources and information services, 2012-2013 33831 - Sources, resources and information services, 2012-2013
35326 - English Language IV, 2010-2011 35326 - English Language IV, 2010-2011
35334 - Practical criticism applied to English literature , 2015-2016 35334 - Practical criticism applied to English literature , 2015-2016
Copyright 2009, by the Contributing Authors. Cite/attribute Resource. > Arts and Humanities. (2009, May 07). Retrieved July 03, 2024, from OCW de la Universitat de Valencia Web site: This work is licensed under a Reconocimiento -No Comercial-Compartir Igual. Reconocimiento -No Comercial-Compartir Igual