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Open Course Ware de la Universitat de València


The University of Valencia's Open Course Ware is a warehouse of open learning objects that includes class materials from subjects that some UV's professors.  The  OCW-UV Office was founded in July, 2008, an the first subjects are accesible on this web since Decembre 2008.

The platform that we use is  EduCommons, that allow us to upload the courses in an homogeneous way. Most of the universities that belong to the International Consortium OCW use the same platform. The OCW target group are:

  • same university students, that want to use the OCW to complete the class materials;
  • self-learning students from other universities, or prospective students that want to know UV classes ;
  • other institucion professors that wanted to prepare their subjects using these materials.


OCW courses of the Universitat de València include some images that belong to their Cultural Heritage.