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> Health Sciences



health sciences




The University of Valencia's Open Course Ware have not subjects in this area of knowledge.

José María Yturralde. Sin Título 1975. Patrimonio UV.

Clinical Decision Support Systems, 2009/2010 Clinical Decision Support Systems, 2009/2010
08249 - Clinical pharmacology aplicated to nursing, 2009/2010 08249 - Clinical pharmacology aplicated to nursing, 2009/2010
12336 - Sociomoral Thought and Prosocial Conduct, 2010/2011 12336 - Sociomoral Thought and Prosocial Conduct, 2010/2011
12374 - Psychology of thinking, 2009/2010 12374 - Psychology of thinking, 2009/2010
33018 - Community physiotherapy and public health, 2014-2015 33018 - Community physiotherapy and public health, 2014-2015
33297 - Descriptive Statistics in Psychology, 2009/2010 33297 - Descriptive Statistics in Psychology, 2009/2010
33297 - Inferential Statistics in Psychology, 2010/2011 33297 - Inferential Statistics in Psychology, 2010/2011
33319 - Psichopathology, 2011-2012 33319 - Psichopathology, 2011-2012
34284 - Physics II. Geometric optics, 2012-2013 34284 - Physics II. Geometric optics, 2012-2013
34314 - Registry and processing of clinical images, 2010-2011 34314 - Registry and processing of clinical images, 2010-2011
34715 - Oral surgery, 2011-2012 34715 - Oral surgery, 2011-2012
36245 - Statistics II, 2014-2015 36245 - Statistics II, 2014-2015
43342 - Healthy ageing and individual and group intervention in elderly people, 2013-2014 43342 - Healthy ageing and individual and group intervention in elderly people, 2013-2014
Copyright 2009, by the Contributing Authors. Cite/attribute Resource. > Health Sciences. (2009, May 07). Retrieved July 03, 2024, from OCW de la Universitat de Valencia Web site: This work is licensed under a Reconocimiento -No Comercial-Compartir Igual. Reconocimiento -No Comercial-Compartir Igual